Happy Weekend + Links I Love


Happy weekend everyone. I hope you had a wonderful week and you’re ready for some rest and relaxation. The weather switched suddenly here in Toronto this week and I actually had to wear layers.

Got any fun plans this weekend? Whatever you end up doing, stay safe! As always, here’s a roundup of my favourite links this week…

+ How to Be Both. “This is what I grew up seeing, so that is what I grew up being: a young adult with a social consciousness to do what I could, and to, at the very least, speak up when I knew something was wrong.”

+ ‘I Live in a Lie’: Saudi Women Speak Up’. The New York Times issued a call-out on their site and on their Twitter to Saudi women, How Has Your Life as a Saudi Woman Changed? The response was overwhelming.

+ Ella shared her thoughts on social media and it was so honest and real. “Social media isn’t there to create a platform from which to try and emulate a stranger or aim for a photo-shopped image of virtual perfection. Don’t forget as you scroll through account after account that no one is or will ever be perfect, the concept of perfect is subjective and lies solely in the eye of the beholder.”

+ Turned down 18 times. Then Paul Beatty won the Booker. Added to my reading list. Have you read it?

+ Imagine a World Without Photography. An interview with Emmy award-winning filmmaker Alexandria Bombach.

+ Pete Wells Has His Knives Out. How the New York Times restaurant critic writes the reviews that make and break restaurants.

+ The perfect fall look in my favourite colour!

+ Zadie Smith: dance lessons for writers. On the connection between writing and dancing: “It feels a little neglected – compared to, say, the relationship between music and prose – maybe because there is something counter-intuitive about it. But for me the two forms are close to each other: I feel dance has something to tell me about what I do. What can an art of words take from the art that needs none? Yet I often think I’ve learned as much from watching dancers as I have from reading.”

+ Everything you hear on film is a lie. A fascinating TED Talk that had me reminiscing about my job in film and television post production.

+ Hellooooo pumpkin nutella hot chocolate.

+ My favourites on Instagram this week: But WHY, Mum, WHY must it be Morphin’ Time? via @evachen212, Soaring high above an ocean of autumnal hues via @brightbazaar, Dear Pretty Little Liars via @halfadams, This will be the drive into our house via @freshexchange

Reading update:

I am currently making my way through Through the Glass by Shannon Moroney.

This weekend I’ll be curling up with Jojo Moyes’s latest, Paris for One and Other Stories.

(Photo snapped in Mount Pleasant Cemetery.)

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